Beware people wielding hammers

You: Thanks for coming over.  I'd like you to quote on some work.

Builder: I've got a hammer.

You:  Er....Jolly good.  Now, about this building work....

Builder: I like hammers.  

You: Okaaaaay....  slightly scary.  Let me show you my plans....

Builder: Everyone should use hammers.  They are the best tools.  Much better than saws.

You: But I haven't told you what I want you to build.

Builder: I've got ball-pein hammers, sledge hammers, claw hammers.  I'm a hammer expert.

You: How will that help you build me a greenhouse?

What's that got to with us?

The conversation above happens all the time.  Replace "builder" with "technology consultant" and the conversation will be the same.  it won't be hammers, it will be Jenkins or TDD or BDD or Dependecy Injection or ....whatever the buzzword du jour is.

Choose a different builder

You want a builder to first of all listen to what you want and then open up a large bag of tools and pick the right ones for the job.

If someone tells you what tool they are going to use before listening to you... then choose a different builder.